Wednesday, January 30, 2008


After all the fun we've been having, and all the good things that have been happening, I wanted to mention something that I've been thinking about for a couple days. Two nights ago, I had the TV on in the bedroom. Jackson was playing on the bed and got the remote and started changing channels. Once it landed, it was on CNN, and I was busy so I just left it despite the fact that I never watch the news. The story on caiught my attention, and I'm so glad it did. It was talking about tribal wars in Kenya, and how gangs harrass cars driving down the street, and how certain tribes need police escorts just to walk down the street. I watched for several minutes and was overwhelmed with such gratitude for things that I know I take for granted way too often...

I am so grateful that I was born to the people and in the place I was born... how easily I could have been born somewhere else. I was raised by loving, happy family, we had a home, and so many things that others don't have. I'm grateful that my children with be raised in similar circumstances. I am grateful for my freedom that allows me to live, love, and worship as I choose. I am so grateful that I have never felt a direct danger to my life or to those around me who I love. I experience none of the fear and danger and poverty that so much of the rest of the world experience. I want all of you to know how grateful I am for you... for your love, your friendship, your acceptance.

I am so glad that I was given the opportunity to reflect on my life and the abundance of blessings I have!!!

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