Just in case anyone is intersted... today is MY BIRTHDAY!!!
There will be some fun happening today, and I will post pictures of the days festivities once they have happened.
Tweny Seven years ago, last night, my mom ate with my dad and Papa at Bill's Pizza, which she thouroughly enjoyed. That night, she was up all night with what she thought was constipation. (I love being told that I was mistaken for constipation) After all, she wasn't due for another six weeks... who would have thought it was labor. After being in so much pain, (and pushing all night trying to use the bathroom) my dad finally called the doctor who said that they needed to get to the hospital. Sure enough, when she got there she was already in transition and shortly there after at 4:45 am on October 1, 1981, I made my appearance. I was about 6 weeks early, weighing in at a whopping 5 lbs. 4 in. and 17 inches long.
Thats the story my mom tells me every year on this day.
Happy Birthday Courtney! I have always thought about you this day even when we haven't been in touch since my birthday is just 2 days before yours. Hope it's a wonderful day for you!!
Happy Birthday! I'm glad I finally got to hear the whole story of the day you were born because I've only heard it in bits and pieces. Great story! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy Happy Birthday. I tried to call. I just knew you wanted to hear my voice on your brithday so I left a pretty message! haha
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a WONDERFUL day and smile a lot!
Happy Birthday Courtney! Make the day about you. Glad to have lunch and see your sweet kids. You are a great SIL!!!
Happy Birthday, I hope you have a wonderful day!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! Even though we have not seen each other in forever I still wanted you to know that I treasure our friendship and most of my favorite memories from my youth are with you and your family! I am so happy you were born today!! Hoping you are royaly spoiled today!
I meant to email you Wednesday, but I am a bad cousin and forgot. So happy belated birthday!!!
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