I will forewarn you that this post contains LOTS of pictures... Some of the spacing is really funky, me and blogger don't always get along when it comes to spacing... sorry
I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We headed down to Mom's house where we spent part of the weekend with her and David and Leda. We had a great time!

Unfortunately, our day started at 4:45 am when Jackson decided that he just needed to be awake. It meant that we were up and ready to go...(with Jackson not wanting to have his picture taken... who wouldn't want to have there picture taken before 7:00 in the morning?!)

And Caroline was till snoozing away.

She woke up and we left for Nany's house. With NO traffic on the road we made good time and started our Thanksgiving festivities.

No doubt, Miss Caroline was dressed for the ocassion. Because of the colors in her outfit, without a bow in her hair you couldn't tell if she was a boy or a girl.

She loves all the attention she gets from everyone

Before we ate dinner we watched an old video about the first Thanksgiving. Jackson had fun helping "Uncle Dadip" set up the VCR so we could watch the tape.
Jackson loves taking walks on his Nanay's sidewalk, so we spent some time doing that before dinner, also. He is such a big boy!

Then came dinner...and dessert.
We ate, and ate, and ate, and ate. And then ate some more. We had ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, corn, green beans, stuffing, jello salad and rolls. And the desserts went on and on... blackberry cobbler and ice cream, pumpkin cheesecake, brownies, cookies, popcorn treats, scotcheroos and BYU mint brownies. I never went to BYU but these brownies made me want to!

Speaking of eating... here is a video of Caroline with her first taste of Jell-o salad...
Isn't that cute?!

And Jackson eating the frosting off his sugar cookie
After dinner we made a 'thankful turkey'. We all wrote down what we are thankful for on feathers and made our turkey. It kind of looks like a peacock, but still cute. Thanks for the idea, Leda!

We decided to take some family pictures since we were all in our pretty matching colors for the holiday...

Did you notice how in both sets of pictures, Jackson is messing with Caroline in the first one? He loves his baby sister!
Friday morning came VERY early once again and Jackon had fun looking at Nanay's tree while everyone elase was still sleeping...

Being "soff" wih the ornaments

Mom collects nutcrackers and over the last several years her sisters have gotten her the characters from "Wizard of Oz" Jackson loved getting down and looking at them and learning all their names. He kept calling the tin man a robot. He liked the witch most of all! (I wonder if he has been over-exposed to "Wicked" and realizes that she's not so bad after all. :) )
We had a wonderful time, but its always nice to get home and watch cartoons !