Saturday, September 20, 2008

'Cuz I'm a big kid now

I was running errands last night, and when I got home Jackson came busting out the front door to say hello to me. Before he got to me, though, he saw the "big kids" from the neighborhood playing up on one of our neighbor's hills. He couldn't get up there fast enough. He had so much fun with them and they all doted on him like he was a little baby. He loves his big kid friends.


Marti Family said...

Awwww! He already thinks he is grow! He is so adoreabe...he really looks so much like you. I love how you write out how he says things and translate! I love hearing little ones talk. So unbelieveably cute!

Brittany said...

That is the best part of having other kids around. Your kids get to play "big".