Thursday, July 24, 2008

Baby Shower

Lasr weekend, a few of my sweet friends threw me a baby shower at church. It was so nice, and I was so overwhelmed with the generosity and love everyone showed me. I was definitely spoiled. It was such a fun time, and I hope everyone had a great time... I know I did!

The adorable (and delicious) cake

didn't everything look so great?!

Dalene (my mom-in-law) me, and mom

the family shot... Christal (married to Cameron's brother, Christopher), Jenifer (engaged to Cameron's brother, Colby) Brittany (Cameron's sister), Dalene, me, mom Leda (David's wife) and Dianne (my stepmom)


Brittany said...

It really was a fun time and I cant wait until little Caroline is here with us! By the way we sure are a good looking family, both sides!!

Wendi said...

Why wasn't I invited?
I tease.
Glad you had a great time!