Monday, July 28, 2008

36 1/2 weeks

My stomach looks really funny in this picture...oh well, and it was really muggy this day, so please just pretend that my hair looks good :)

I went to the doctor today, and I am dilated to a 2. So not a huge deal, but I guess things are moving right along. Her head is really low and ever since the doctor checked me today, I've hardly been able to sit down.

At this point she can't get here soon enough. I'm very excited and I can't wait to bring her home, and I can't wait to not be pregnant anymore. I feel like a horrible mom, because I never take Jackson outside to play because its too freakin hot. So, I'm sure he'll be glad when I'm not pregnant anymore, too.

I'll keep you posted a s things progress, and hopefully before three weeks is up we will have a sweet baby girl!!!


Sawyers Family said...

you look so cute!! I'm so excited for you guys! There is NOTHING better than having a baby!! And girls are so much fun...

Brooke said...

So cute So cute!! You look so good! Sorry your uncomfortable!

Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

You are very cute pregnant! I bet you can't wait to see your little princess!