- Dad and Dianne's couch is made of a denim type material. We were sitting on the couch and he said, "Mama, their couch is made of jeans."
-He was looking at a penny, and noticing the Lincoln Memorial on the back said, "this penny has a cage on it."
-After going potty one of the sevently-five times a day we go potty, he look up at me, so excited and said, "Mama, I'm potty-trained!"
-When I ask him to do something he doesn't want to do, he has sated telling me that I "need to wait a minute because he's busy right now."
-A while ago, when Mike was over here, he said, "uh-oh spagettios." Jackson has started to say that, but instead he says, "oopsie cheerios."
- He has learned that our last name is Howard so he has been calling me "Mama Howard" Does that make me sound old?
-The other day he coughed and said. "that's my tummy hurting"
-He brought me one of my Willow Tree figurines and said it was his teacher, Sister Holly, (his nursery teacher at church) and that she was very nice.
-We were out of something that he wanted (I think it was popcorn) and he told me that I needed to go to Wal-Mart to get him some more
- He loves watching the Wonderpets. On every episode they sing a song... Wonderpets, wonderpets, we're on our way, to save a baby (something that changes every episode) and save the day. We're no too big and we're not too tough, but if we work together we've got the right stuff. Gooooo wonderpets, YAY! ... The most recently, the song has been sung... Wonderpets, wonderpets, we're on our way to save the baby Caroline and Mama, too.... etc.