My dearest friend, Amy, had a birthday. Cameron was wonderful to stay home with the kids so I could spend some time with friends on this fun night...
me and my best girl
Kasey and me
Amy's husband, Ryan, and me. Love him too!
You knew I would make cake, right?!
Fun times at PaPa and Greema's house...
these cousinds love each other and love riding in PaPa's "tractor"
my sweet girl!
giving Caroline a push-up in the car... clearly not the best decision I ever made!
Most exciting of all, Mom, David and I were able to make a trip to Boston where my cousin, Nikole, was married. We had a fabulous time and it was wonderful, as always to get to spend time with family. I love you all and had a fantastic time!!! Kimmy has promised a CD with more pictures (as she is better about having her camera than I)... I can't wait to share those with you as well
Cameron and I both spent time as children living out west, but we consider North Carolina home. Cameron grew up in Wilmington and Raleigh and I grew up in Greensboro. We now live in High Point where we are raising our two wonderful kids, Jackson and Caroline. We are so blessed!
We have been married for just over seven years. Cameron works hard as a chemist, a job he loves, and I work hard as a stay-at-home mom!
Jackson man
Jackson will be 5 in March and loves anything Transformers or Start Wars and has been talking about his R2D2 birthday cake for months. He has recently discovered his love for legos, and builds all day long. He is a smart boy with a big heart!
Sweet Caroline
Naughty Caroline would be a much more appropriate title! She will be 3 this year and is into EVERYTHING and always seems to be hurt. She loves her big brother Jackson and is perfectly content as long as she has a baby doll in her arms.